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Social media integration

How can we enhance browsing, retrieving, recommending and sharing FM replays among peers?

The ALOE system is currently being developed in the project CoMet at the Knowledge Management Department of DFKI. ALOE offers possibilities to share digital resources and arbitrary information about them. ALOE provides a rich user interface and allows access to data and functionalities via a Web service API. ALOE allows to upload and share arbitrary types of digital resources, and to share and organize bookmarks. It also provides common social media functionalities such as tagging, rating, and commenting, groups can be initiated, users can communicate with each other, etc.

Over 350 Flash video files and their associated metadata have been harvested as bookmarks in the ALOE platform allowing users to post comments on them and rate them, as well as view tags added by other users, ratings and references in favourite lists, for a more objective view of the resources.

Social media integration

By integrating the FM public event repository with the ALOE system, new services are enabled for the user. Users can now annotate their learning resources with tags and comments, collect references to them in their resource sets and share them among friends. This has not been possible before and adds to the experience the user has with the resources. The tags enable the users to easily find the learning resource within their collections. Annotations enable them to take notes of the concepts of the learning resource important to them. In addition, comments may reveal experts on certain areas, whilst users may benefit from their feedback or even form groups of relevant contacts around certain resources. The bookmark collection itself represent a reflection on the interests of the users, thus does not only enable easy access but also provides them with an insight on how their interests have changed over time. Furthermore, by sharing single bookmarks or collections of bookmarks with friends, the user collaborates with other users and thus supports the relevant learning process. Last but not least, using ALOE simplifies the task to find learning resources through sharing them with others, through tags and annotations for the user.

For more For more information, please contact:
Martin Memmel - Researcher,
Knowledge Management Department
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence DFKI GmbH